Thursday, September 6, 2012


Life have it's own motto. For each & everyone this motto change based on there own priority

We eat food, watch TV Match and do so many thing. As on one side, if we look;  We eat food to get energy to our Body, Watch TV or Match to relax himself/ or to our Mind, this side is called  as Scientific View. But if we look on other side, as for Most of people eat because they get test in it; They watch TV because it gives enjoyment to them.
In reality behind of each & every work there is Relish (Rash). The level of Relish depend on every-individual based on there own knowledge.  If we get relish,we will do that work, if don't then definitely our performance will get down slowly. That is similarly what happened in the case of  Study (Specially for children). Most of them don't get any interest, if so then they will be weak in this field.
So what we can do?
We have to put study in a very beautiful way/ easy way so that they find there own interest, that is Enjoy!!
And one more thing, we have to tell them reason behind of each activity so that they can be more logic too..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Body Is The First Gift

Now people have come to the conclusion that body means pain. Body is not pain; body can be very beautiful. You can make your body in such a way that you need not have to carry it around, you can let it just float with you. Just food, practices and a little change in attitude, you will see this body becomes a miracle. If you look at this body as a mechanism, definitely it is the most sophisticated one on earth right now. Super computers do not match this one. They say a single molecule of DNA can perform 100 times more functions than all the computers in the world put together. A single molecule of DNA contains that many functions. This is definitely the best machine.

This is the first gift that was given to you. And those who do not appreciate this gift, those who are not bothered to take care of this one properly, would God give any more gifts to them? It stops there. Whoever is your creator, he gave you this wonderful body; the first gift that is given to you is a physical one, and then if he sees you abusing it, if you do not know how to take care of it, he knows it is not worth showering more gifts upon you. So it is important that the body is kept in a comfortable and joyous state. If the body is joyous, it will encourage you to go further.

You don’t have to become a great athlete, but you can keep the body healthy, comfortable and happy. Otherwise it will pull you down. The physical body itself can be happy in the sense – after a bout of rain, if you go out and see, all the plants seem to be happy. Have you seen that they are almost laughing? Not just washed and clean, if you are sensitive you can see they are exuding happiness. Have you felt this?

The body can be happy if it is kept properly. If you eat certain foods, the body will become happy. If you eat certain other foods, the body will become dull and lethargic; you will feel sleepy. `I am talking about life, you know. See, if we are sleeping for eight hours a day, if we live for 60 years, we have slept for 20 years. Twenty years of our lives we have slept; that is one third of our lives we have spent sleeping. Now, if we are sleeping for 12 hours, 50 per cent of our lives we spend sleeping, the remaining 30 to 40 per cent goes in eating and ablutions, so what is left in life? There is really no time left.

Nobody can enjoy his sleep. In sleep you don’t exist. The only thing that you can enjoy is restfulness. The body is well rested, that you enjoy. How to keep the body well rested? First of all, why tire it? Tiresomeness doesn’t come to the body because of work, for most people. People who are working more, they are more active, isn’t it? Food is one important aspect, attitudes are also there, but food plays an important role. If you eat the wrong kind of food, you have to drag your body and go. If you eat the right type of food, it goes ahead of you, and that is how it should be kept.

......................................................................By: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev on Apr 08, 2012

Is it a Sin to be Happy?

There is no dearth of dead serious, eager and earnest spiritual seekers who sincerely believe that everything that feels good is sinful. On the other hand, it is difficult to find a spiritual master without a smile on her face. Children, nearer God than most adults, are a bundle of joy. The key to this paradox lies in the source of happiness.

There are things we can eat, wear, see, touch or smell that give us a type of happiness, which we may call pleasure. There is another type of happiness that is not sold in markets, the one that comes from being loved, from success, praise, name and fame. This type of happiness is erratic, unpredictable, and vulnerable to vicissitudes of life. While these two types of happiness depend upon getting something, there is another kind of happiness that’s neither fleeting nor fragile and that comes from giving. It may come from giving an object, physical support or care, all expressions of love. This happiness comes from responding to an inner call when faced with choices.

Life is neither full of fortune that makes us happy, nor of misfortune designed to make us unhappy. Life is a chain of events and circumstances, each of which offers us choices. Choices are an opportunity, because making the right choice leads to spiritual growth. The guidance for making the right use of every opportunity is available from a voice that comes from the depths of our being. Acting on that voice gives us lasting inner peace rather than happiness. Inner peace brings the type of happiness for which the word happiness is inadequate – it is called joy, delight or bliss.

Responding to the inner call that brings joy needs the type of courage that Buddha showed when he left his family and kingdom in search of truth. Responding to the inner call needs the type of ‘foolishness’ that the award-winning chef Narayanan Krishnan showed when he gave up a lucrative career in five-star hotels and refused a job in Switzerland to feed the homeless in Madurai. Responding to the inner call needs the capacity to swim against the current that the IIM-Calcutta graduate Puja Mishra showed when she chucked placements to live and work in a remote village to educate children. Responding to the inner call brings joy, but that is not why you respond to it. You respond to it because to you that seems the only right thing to do. When you decide to respond to the inner call, you also get what it takes to do so because the call emanates from your divine essence.

The Divine is all-knowing and all-powerful. Hence, the call also has extreme clarity, and brings with it the courage required to stand up to the whole world, if necessary. As the Mother has said, “Give up all personal seeking for comfort, satisfaction, enjoyment or happiness. Be only a burning fire for progress, take whatever comes to you as a help for progress and make at once the progress required”. The ‘progress’ referred to here is spiritual progress. With spiritual progress as the purpose of life, treating whatever comes to us in life as a vehicle for progress accomplishes the purpose and the bonus is joy, its by-product. Genuine happiness comes not from being pursued, but from making the pursuit of something higher than happiness the purpose of your life

Friday, April 13, 2012

Excellent Leadership: Don't be afraid to ask dumb questions

Most leaders are very vocal when they believe they are an expert in a particular subject - especially, when they should be listening more. But most leaders ( not all) are also actually quite shy when it comes to influencing a discussion on a topic they know little about and thus don’t engage for fear of what people will think. 

Most of the few leaders who do speak up in these circumstances do it because they feel it is a failure not to be an expert in everything - and pretend to be more expert than they are.

Both of these reactions are missing an important opportunity to contribute positively as a leader.

While leaders should be transparent about knowing little about a subject, asking smart dumb questions can be very valuable in getting the "experts" to express known-knowns aloud and thus test assumptions. We all have opinions all the time about subjects we are not expert in, and posing these in public or in a meeting in the form of an open questions or as a statement that starts with sometihng like "it seems to me as someone who is not an expert in this subject that ....." can be very powerful in helping experts to think outside the box and come to new conclusions.

I (John Knights) was first made aware of this a number of years ago when my coach of the time**, helped me to understand that I was very confident in conversations when I knew the subject but tended to be quiet on topics where I knew less than others in the room. He helped me realize I was suffering from "fear" of what people would think of me if I said something stupid - and so it was only the fear I had to overcome. This is quite a test of a true inner self confidence.

Since then, it has often happened that people have come up to me afterwards and said "what you said was just what I was thinking and I am so pleased you asked it".

So overcome that "fear" of what people think and give your opinion or ask those questions. You will be amazed by how it can change discussions and decisions. It will also build your inner self confidence while bringing humility to your ego.

** The amazing Paul Bates who unfortunately dies a few years ago.

Past Life Regression is a therapy that delves into the past to make your present better, says SANTOSH JOSHI, PLR therapist and life coach

You meet someone for the first time and immediately take to her; you visit a new place but get the feeling that you’ve been there before — most of us have had such experiences sometime or other. It’s because we are re-encountering people and places we have known in our past lives. We unconsciously carry forward experiences, attitudes, and relationships from previous lives into our current lifetime.

Past Life Regression is a therapy that delves into the past to make the present better. It is based on the philosophy that we are eternal souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. As eternal beings, we experience physical life on earth in a series of human bodies. On a spirit level, we choose each life as a means of learning the lessons we have decided for ourselves.

Tap Your Sub-conscious Mind
In PLR, a person is ‘regressed’ to the time and place where the original ‘activating’ event occurred either through guided imagery or a deep state of relaxation so that memories that are in the sub-conscious mind can be accessed. Similar techniques can be used to access early childhood memories from the present life that may be the underlying cause of the present problem.

By bringing these memories into conscious awareness, pent-up energy or emotional blockages, that keep us stuck in a troubled state are released or diffused. During the process, a person is guided through significant events of a previous lifetime, through the death experience, and then a “life review.” This is where the purpose of that lifetime, lessons learnt, and decisions made are examined from a higher, spiritual perspective.

Re-experiencing key events of a past life helps to bring closure to events of that lifetime. Even if one believes these “memories” are not true, past life experiences function as symbolic stories and are equally as effective in resolving current issues.

More Than Physical
PLR goes hand-in-hand with theories of reincarnation and karma. There is a sense of peace that comes from knowing that the deepest parts of us will always exist; that we are much more than our current physical bodies, and that we have many opportunities to master human existence and learn the lessons we are here to learn.

Karma is the good old concept of “what goes around, comes around”. It refers to continuity of soul experience, the fact that we will reap the consequences of our good deeds and misdeeds. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience and the dynamics of karma help us to keep learning and progressing through actions done by us in each lifetime.

PLR therapy can be helpful in the following:
Chronic physical ailments, sensations and pains
Emotional issues such as depression, anger, low self-esteem
Irrational fears and phobias
Troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time
Relationship issues

Apart from these, PLR therapy is also being used in cases where, instead of going after traumatic memories, they prefer to focus on positive experiences:
Accessing strengths and accomplishments from previous lifetimes that can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present
Spiritual progress
Finding one’s purpose in life

Many wonder if PLR will really work for them. It is best to approach the experience with an open mind, without expecting anything. Information comes through in a number of ways — images, physical sensations, sounds, feelings or even taste. The best approach is to focus on images and feelings you experience, and not to worry about whether it makes sense or is “real” or not.
Trust whatever comes up at the time. The more relaxed one is, the more detailed one’s experiences will be and the more easily memories will be recovered. It is helpful if one has a specific question or an issue that one wants to explore or solve. But it can also be left open to your inner guidance to bring up a memory that has relevance for your current life.

By -

Transform Mistakes Into Blessings

Every single mistake is a blessing in disguise... there are actually untold blessings hidden within every mistake

A child makes many mistakes while learning how to ride a bike or write, and we don’t give it a second thought because we know that through their mistakes they will learn and eventually master what they’re trying to do. So why is it that adults are so hard on themselves? We all make mistakes, and if we didn’t make them we’d never learn anything, and we wouldn’t grow any smarter nor wiser. We have the freedom to make our own choices, and the freedom to make mistakes. Mistakes can hurt, but if we don’t learn from the mistake we’ve made, the pain we’ve suffered from it has been for nothing. By the law of attraction, we will make the same mistake over and over again, until the consequences hurt so much that we finally learn from it! It’s the very reason why mistakes hurt, so that we do learn from them and don’t make them repeatedly.

To learn from a mistake, we first have to own it, and this is where many people can become undone, because they often blame someone else for their mistake.

Let’s consider the scenario of being pulled over by the police for speeding and being given a speeding ticket. Instead of taking responsibility for speeding, we blame the police because they were hiding in the bushes on the highway around a bend; we couldn’t see them, they had a radar gun, and so we didn’t stand a chance. But the mistake was ours, because we were the one who chose to speed.

The problem with blaming other people for our mistake is that we will still suffer the pain and consequences of our mistake, but we didn’t learn from it, and so bingo! We’ll attract making the same mistake again.

You are human, you will make mistakes, and it’s one of the most beautiful things about being human, but you must learn from your mistakes, otherwise your life will have a lot of unnecessary pain.

How do you learn from a mistake? Gratitude!

No matter how bad something may seem, there are always, always many things to be grateful for. When you look for as many as things as you can to be grateful for in a mistake, you magically transform the mistake into blessings. Mistakes attract more mistakes, and blessings attract more blessings – which would you prefer?

Today, think about a mistake you have made in your life. It doesn’t matter whether it was a big or small mistake, but choose one that still hurts when you think about it. Maybe you lost your temper with a person close to you and the relationship hasn’t been the same since. Maybe you put blind faith in another person and got burned. Maybe you told a white lie to protect someone, and because of it you ended up in a difficult situation. You might have chosen the cheaper option on something, and it all went wrong and ended up costing you a whole lot more. You might have thought you were making the right decision about something, but it completely backfired on you.

Once you’ve chosen a mistake to magically transform into blessings, look for the things to be grateful for. Ask yourself: What did I learn from the mistake? What are the good things that came out of the mistake?

Every blessing you find has magical power. Write out your list in a gratitude journal or type them on a computer. Abridged from ‘The Magic,’ Simon & Schuster